Flood illumination

Single-surface metalens flood illuminators changing the future of 3D sensing.

NILT offers single-surface metalens flood illuminators for applications such as structured light for 3D sensing, illumination for time-of-flight 3D sensing and face recognition. NILT both designs and processes these flood illuminator elements with the option of building them into full flood illuminator modules on demand.

Fit for applications including structured light for 3D sensing, illumination for time-of-flight 3D sensing and face recognition.

Flood Illuminators

NILT offers single-surface metalens flood illuminators for applications such as 3D sensing including illumination for time-of-flight 3D sensing and face recognition.

NILT both designs and processes these flood illuminator elements with the option of building them into full flood illuminator modules on demand


  • Single-surface element allow for extreme miniaturization of optical system
  • NILT’s flood illuminators can be designed for extreme FOI with high efficiency and profile quality
  • Flood illuminators can be designed both for collimated as well as divergent light sources – increasing the number of possible use cases
  • All flood illuminators can be optimized to customer requirements
Flood illumination | NIL Technology

Projected rectangular diffuser profile

See other examples below:
1. Flood illuminator with VCSEL illumination
2. Extreme FoI diffuser
3. Split intensity profile
4. Polarization dependent diffuser
5. Other profiles


Flood illumination | NIL Technology
Flood illumination | NIL Technology
Flood illumination | NIL Technology

Diffuser intensity map with batwing profile (horizontal and vertical cross-section) obtained with uncollimated VCSEL illumination.

1. Flood illuminator 70x50 degree (VCSEL illumination)

Flood illumination | NIL Technology
Flood illumination | NIL Technology
Flood illuminator λ [nm] FOI (X*Y) [⁰] Efficiency (%)
940 78 x 53 ~80

2. E-FOI diffuser (VCSEL illumination)

Flood illumination | NIL Technology
Flood illumination | NIL Technology
Flood illuminator λ [nm] FOI (X*Y) [⁰] Efficiency (%)
940 150 x 120 ~60

3. Split intensity profile
(collimated illumination)

Flood illumination | NIL Technology
Flood illumination | NIL Technology
Flood illuminator λ [nm] FOI (X*Y) [⁰]
940 64x51

4. Polarization dependent profile
(collimated illumination)

Flood illumination | NIL Technology
Flood illuminator λ [nm] FOI (X*Y) [⁰]
940 90x60

5. Other diffuser profiles (VCSEL illumination)

NTLight® technology brings significant value to a range of applications. 

The MP-ready DOE catalog of diffusers includes elements that start from 63°x56° and go to 82°x72°, with multiple elements with a field of illumination in between.

  • Standalone Diffusers deliver low-module height, high optical efficiency for energy saving, and low zero order.
  • Pair diffusers with collimators for a sharp illumination intensity profile.
  • Our DOE is polymer on glass substrates.

Contact us to learn more about how NILT can help enhance your solution or develop new products. 

Diffuser Intensity maps and profiles

Diffuser intensity map with batwing profile (horizontal and vertical cross-section) obtained with uncollimated VCSEL illumination.

Introducing NILT and our groundbreaking Meta Optical Elements

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